Autel MaxiCheck MX808S Diagnostic Tool
Autel Maxicheck MX808S diagnostic tool is a diagnostic tool produced by Autel. This device is the new version of the very popular mx808 model.
With its small size, it is easily portable and with its fast quad-core processor, you can do diagnostic operations quickly.
You can read and delete fault codes quickly. Additionaly, the MX808S tool also gives you special functions like oil reset, EBP, Steering angle sensor reset, Battery management system, DPF regeneration.
Autel MaxiCheck MX808S Diagnostic Tool MX808S features:
- You can do diagnostics on all systems.
You can read and delete fault codes.- The controls of BMS, EPB, SAS, DPF systems can be done with MX808S.
- The device automatically detects the chassis.
- The device automatically scans all systems.
- Viewing live values.
- Bidirectional active tests can be done with MX808S.
- Injector coding process can be performed.
- You can do DPF regeneration.
- Oil reset function is available on the device.
- You can do battery reset.
- Steering angle sensor reset can be done with it.
- Electronic parking brake reset is possible with this device.
Autel MaxiCheck MX808S Diagnostic Tool Technicial Specifications:
- MX808s has Android 11 operating system.
- 1.6 ghz quad core processor is available in the tablet.
- The tablet has 64GB of storage and 4GB of RAM.
- It connects with wifi.
- The battery power is 5000 mAh 3.7 V .
- The size of the device is 16*5*12 inches.
NOTE: Autel MaxiCheck MX808S Diagnostic Tool has an annual update fee of 120 USD.
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