Nitro Mekatronik Company Continues to Be a Solution Partner for Business Partners in the Automotive Sector..
Saturday, June 12, 2021

Nitro Mekatronik Company Continues to Be a Solution Partner for Business Partners in the Automotive Sector..

Successfully completed Nitro Mechatronics Auto ECU Repair Course.

With the course held on 9-10-11 June, the participants had the opportunity to make great gains in many subjects.

Participants had the opportunity to meet one-on-one with expert teams about the problem they were curious about and encountered.

Nitro Mekatronik continues to be a solution partner for business partners in the automotive industry.

The company, which is an important building block with the devices it produces for the automotive sector, the devices it imports and the technical support services it provides, also offers up-to-date and interactive trainings to its business partners with the courses it organizes regularly.

Within the scope of the courses, the participants had the opportunity to make one-to-one contact with Automotive Engineers, Auto Repair Masters and R&D Engineers who are experts in their fields for 3 days.

On the first day of the 3-day course, participants;

A training program consisting of 2 parts, namely theoretical and practical training, is presented.

In the theoretical part, the participants;

What is the ECU?

  • Relationship Between ECU-Sensor
  • What is CAnbus? How does it work?
  • Using Life Analyzer
  • What is Immo? How does it work? How to Close?
  • Epc Catalog (catalog. net ) Schema reading
  • Jaltest Charts
  • Part Numbers etc. topics such as

In the applied part, the participants;

  • ECU reading and writing with Flex Device (Ford Cargo and Man)
  • With Autovei ecu programming device (Immo Off) - Mercedes Euro 5
  • With Autovei ecu programming device (FR Pairing) - Mercedes
  • Parameter Exchange with Scania Xcom- Using Multimeter
  • Oscilloscope Training
  • Component Measurement and tests
  • Which Sensor Works How? The first day training was completed by giving trainings on such subjects.

  • Ecutest ECU Test Simulator Introduction and Usage
  • Circuit Tracking on the ECU
  • How to connect the ECU with the Diagnostic Device?
  • How is the Sensor Test done without opening the ECU Cover?
  • It is in the form of Part Exchange.
  • Ford Cargo Euro 5
  • Scania Euro 5
  • Mercedes Euro 5
  • Iveco Strailes Euro
  • Ford Cargo Euro 3

After the first two full days, on the 3rd and last day of the course;

  • Airbag Programming
  • Training parts of the course were completed by giving trainings on the Use of Ioterminal Ecu Programming device. After the completion of the targeted topics, the 3-day training period was repeated.
  • After the repetitions were completed, the Certificate Distribution event of the masters who came together from different provinces was started. In the event, informative conversations were held with the participants about business development processes.

After the completion of the activities, another ECU Repair Course, which was highly appreciated by the participants, came to an end.

Nitro Mekatronik company continues to offer different optional events, business development ideas and campaigns in order to overcome the impact of the economic conditions leading to contraction during the Pandemic process that affected the world.

If you say that you do not want to stay up to date in the automotive sector and stay away from innovations, Nitro Mechatronics is for you.

For detailed information, please call us;

0850 755 02 30

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Comments (4)

ibrahim | 3 years ago

Oto elektronik kurslarınız devam edecek mi ?

Ertürk | 3 years ago

"İbrahim" Oto elektrik kurslarımız düzenli olarak devam edecektir. Kurslarımız hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi için 0850 755 02 30 numaralı telefondan bizlere ulaşabilirsiniz.

Necip | 2 years ago

Merhabalar, öncelikle iş konularından ziyade orada bulunduğumuz sürece bizlere olan arkadaşlığınız, abiliğiniz, ustalığınız ve misafirperverliğiniz için çok teşekkür ederiz. Sizlerle birebir tanışmanın ve muhabbet etmenin en güzel yanlarından biride kurs sonrası görüşmelerimiz için bizlerde oluşan güvendi. İş konusuna gelecek olursak birçok konuda branşlara ayrıştırılmış olan kursun en güzel tarafı her branşın kendi ustası tarafından anlatılmasıydı. Bu sayede ekibinizle tanışmak için daha samimi daha güzel bir ortam oluştu ve işi ustalarından öğrenmek çok güzeldi. Kurs bitiminden sonra geçen 2 aylık süreçte ne cihazlar ne destek konusunda herhangi bir sorun yaşamadığım için memnunum. Süreçlerin tamamında emeği geçen geçmeyen Nitro Ailesindeki tüm arkadaşlara çok teşekkür eder, başarılarınızın devamını dilerim.

Ertürk | 2 years ago

"Necip" Necip Bey değerli görüşleriniz için çok teşekkür ederiz. Siz değerli iş ortaklarımıza çözümler üretmek, sizlerin işlerini kolaylaştırmak adına var gücümüz ile çalışmaya ve hizmet sunmaya devam edeceğiz.