Honda Tracking Camera Calibration Process with Autel Maxisys Adas
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Honda Tracking Camera Calibration Process with Autel Maxisys Adas

Honda Lane Tracking Camera Calibration Process with Autel Maxisys Adas

Known as a variant of the series, the MaxiSYS Adas tablet provides a comprehensive Adas Calibration with advanced diagnostic capabilities and time-saving fast service features. What is required is a strip camera calibration.


In equipped Honda vehicles, these process preparations vary depending on the vehicle and system.

  1. To ensure precise calibration, plug the VCI into the vehicle and turn on the ignition.
  2. Ignition on, engine off.
  3. Connect the device to the vehicle, tap the auto VIN button in the upper left corner of the screen to read the vehicle.
  4. Identify the ID number, vehicle model, and equipped systems.
  5. Choose a task calibration and then choose integrated driver support system calibration.
  6. Bring the calibration frame to the front of the vehicle.
  7. The floor must be level.
  8. Neither the pattern card nor the target board holder should be attached to the frame. Turn the fine adjustment bolt for alignment.
  9. Loosen the lever and turn the fine adjustment bolt until the scale value is zero.
  10. Tighten the handle to secure the crossbar.
  11. Align the pointer with the line marked 0 on the slide plate and tighten the bolt to open the slide plate.
  12. Aim the lasers and the beams in the front center of the vehicle, adjust the height of the rod.
  13. Slowly move the frame the distance between the back of the cross bar.
  14. The impeller's vehicle centerline should be 411 millimeters.
  15. Focus the laser on the center of the front of the vehicle.
  16. With the frame in the closed position, rotate the bolts in the base not too tight until the laser is fixed to the ground.
  17. Attach the two wheel clamps to the rear wheels and place the claws on the outside of the wheel rim.
  18. Make sure the wheel clamps are securely fastened to the wheels.
  19. Insert the connecting rod of the laser into the clamp port.
  20. The laser calibration board should be on the front of the vehicle.
  21. Fix the laser by squeezing it.
  22. Turn on the attached lasers and adjust them to illuminate the rulers on either side of the beam top cover plate.
  23. Loosen the handle and turn the fine adjustment bolt until the rulers on both sides of the crossbar plate rotate.
  24. Tighten the handle to fix the laser illuminated crossbar of the same value.
  25. Lift the cover plates at both ends of the connecting rod.
  26. Adjust the wheel lasers to control the up and down movement of the reflected beam. The reflected beam should shine on one of the scale boards of the laser boards.
  27. Rotate the bolt left or right until the scale values ​​lit by the reflected beam are the same on both sides of the beam.
  28. Now the calibration frame is parallel to the vehicle, close the cover plates on the connecting rod.
  29. Remove wheel clamps and clamps from wheels


      1. Tighten the slide plate bolts at the cross section of the target board holder.
      2. Attach the target board holder to the cross bar and tighten.
      3. Move each of the two target board sliders to 640 millimeters on the ruler attached to the handle to secure the bolts to the handle.
      4. Then tighten the sliders in place.
      5. The left handle and attached target CSC 601 slash are on the right board holder, while the exit target board CSC 601 is installed on the slash 8L.
      6. Left and right cards are different in the right card holder slider.
      7. Make sure that the targets are placed correctly and there should be no light sources.
      8. Reflective material and black and white pattern material, which do not have windows or lighting fixtures, are similar to the calibration card on the back of the target cards.
      9. Turn all the bolts on the base of the calibration frame.
      10. Make sure the frame is straight by looking at the bubble level
      11. Loosen the ruler to touch the ground.
      12. Adjust the height of the crossbar to set the pointer to a specific height value.
      13. For this calibration, the pointer on the B side of the ruler must be set to 1500 millimeters.
      14. Push the ruler back to its original position and fix it.
      15. The tablet will show the message "Passed" when the ribbon changes the camera calibration.


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